2002-10-01 : 12:35 p.m.
one more memory
Listening to: Together again? By: Sash
Yeah, and I'm listening to the song repeatedly... "I don't know where, I don't know how, but i only know, that one day we'll be together again..." yeeee-as... corny I know... but I'm still in that struggle, where I'm caught between hope and despair... and the despair has been winning as of late... but then, like last night... I caught that glimpse of his smell... and UUUUgggghhh!!!! mmmmmm.......... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... grrrrrrrrrrrr... how sweet it is... Alas! i wonder for how long the fresh memory of the moment will last... What i would give to just wake up with him at my side... just one more time... but it never works out that way does it? "i left my change/ on the counter/ remained the same/ and left the store/ having stuffed some dreams/ under my shirt/ along with a few visions/ i knew/ i wouldn't/ get caught/ never have/ (avoid possesion)/
i shared my thoughts/ with those less fortunate/ in exchange for information/ on my whereabouts/ they pointed me/ in three directions/ i stood still/ and still/ i stand"
- Saul Williams
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