2002-10-09 : 6:02 p.m.
sex and thinking
Listening to: Stabbing Westward, Wither Blister Burn & Peel
To be exact, track 3, "What do I have to do?"... over and over again... Actually, now that I think of it... J' if your reading this... get yourself in front of a punching bag... strap on some boxing gloves... with this track blasting on your head set... and let the shit rip!!! AAaaarrggg... he... he... There are very few songs that rip me up like that one and give me such an adrenaline rush... kinda like wanting to bash someone's fanciful face in and in the same furor have insane sex... eeehhhhhhh..... (eye's rolling to back of head)... fantastic... otherwise I'm not so violent! (*LOL*) honest! it hasn't been to shabby of a day either... nothing extraordinary really... except, I just read a note in my box, that made me laugh so hard, it just about made me pee... thank you Mr. Fletch... eehhhh... the song is running through my brain again... Speaking of sex... my roommate is a bit of a dork... in the sweetest way of course... See, he has this sweet girlfriend we will name "Jill" and we'll call him "Mr. N. Carolina... But anyway... they both arrived last night from visiting his mom in... yes, you guessed it... North Carolina.. anyhow, so they get home last night... we chit chat... watch TV... yada yada... until Jill around midnight says, "Honey, aren't you tired? let's go to bed?" Now this wouldn't be so strange, except... they are quite nocturnal, and bed time is never so early! So yes... you guessed it... you dirty-like minded chipmunks! The bed began the proper squeeeeeking commotion... and I consequently raised the volume on the teli. so 10 min, 15 min, 20 min... go by and I'm thinking I'm gonna get my headphones on... being a recent dumpee, this is absolute torture... I go into my room, only to notice... Mr. North Carolina walking out of his room... boxers on (oh well... not all share...) and starts playing with his outdated sega... football no less... and I hear nothing coming out of the room... where "Jill" is presumably lying. And I start thinking... what the hell... 20 min??? yah? dat- it???? what the hell is wrong with you? But I say nothing to him in reality and decide to change the plans and take a shower... I go, take the shower... yada... yada... get out 30 min later and the duph... is still playing foot ball??? Now maybe I am intirely ignorant on this issue... but we are talking about a sweet, intelligent, giving boy here... at what point does the chivalry attitude cease to exist, when the clothes come off???... I mention this... because I wonder if maybe it is in fact a culture difference fundamentally... Being hispanic... and having mainly dated hispanic boys... (by chance really, not choice)...I've never had to deal with such nonesense... and is it bad to think, that if I were in her place, I would be a bit embarrassed to have my boy express such blatant dismay? Not that I want to give tooo much away of myself, but I have been with a few exceptional "american" boys so to speak... and admittedly they never were as attentive, sexually of course, as their hispanic counterparts... but I just figured it was the luck of the pick! eeehhhh.... I supose I always assumed "passion" or being giving was due to the person itself, not to the culture... and it is of course, but in terms of sex...hmmm??? And I don't think it's fair or accurate to believe in any stereotyping either... but really, for arguments sake here... I'm just wonderin' if... I'm not gonna have as much fun in these northern parts.... :) he... he...
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