2002-12-01 : 11:49 a.m.
Two Brit's and a couple of Stiches...
Listening to: Ned's Atomic Dustbin (God Fodder)
So there I was hanging up the phone... after another lengthly and absolutely wonderful conversation with Mr. devallyk... and to boot.... I even got to talk to the ultra-witty Mr. secondclass... (or rather, he got to talk to me... and talk... and talk... I think he must have been practicing holding his breath, with his head in the damn freezer again, just prior to my call... Oh kidding! kidding! Sit back down Mr. Paul!! (*giggles*)) But yes... an absolutely wonderful phone call... My mouth was terribly sore from laughing soooo much... I felt like I had just come out of a bubble-yum- chewing gum... marathon... "Wow Alex.... that sounded like fun... who else was on the phone?" Asked Adrienne. "Paul... Fletcher's roommate... I'm thinking we will be opening up our doors to two British honey-babbies very soon..." "Cool man... are you okay?" asked Adrienne. She could see me holding my face and patting my lips a bit... "oh man... my mouth is sooooo fucking sore." "Well, you were laughing your ass off..." At this point, I feel something funny in my mouth... kinda like a hair or something... but not really... it was thicker... and fucking hard... I'm trying to get it with my tongue... as it seems to be in the general area of the roof of my mouth... "What's wrong Alex?" "...ummmm.... ummmm...." I'm feeling, I'm feeling... "ummm... my mouth is stinging..." "Stinging?" And then it hits me.... "OH FUCK!!" I run into the bathroom... and Adrienne follows suit... "What Alex?!!" "Holy shit! I think they actually busted my stiches... I was fucking kidding with myself... but I think I've actually busted my stiches!!!" The following hysteria happens simultaneuosly: Alex: "AAAaaaaaahhhh!!" At this point I just stopped and started laughing hysterically... and Adrienne with a 'you are fucking crazy', look on her face... did the same... Alex: "Man... I can honestly tell the world... 'I once met a boy who literally busted my stiches'... how fucking classic is that?" Adri: "Yeah... that's love man..." We laugh for another good few minutes... Adri: "Can you cut it?" I decide to do the snipping myself... (you see, Adrienne is known for being a klutz... and the snipper to be used is long and metallic... and requires precise maneuvering in my mouth...) Oh yeah... and there was no blood... thank god... I only had to snip about an inch... of the now defunt stiching thread in my mouth... I continued, "Yuck... this is gross... it's a good thing those two are a precious set of hotties... or I'd have to kick some butt..." Adrienne, "True... true... those Brits are scandelous..." "Blasted Brits!!" I yell... waving my knuckles around!! and of course, we errupt into another wave of the un-helpful laughter... And as much as I can't wait for the next fun talk, (that is hopfully around the corner...) I can only hope, it will not equally be as painful... Ha!
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