2002-12-05 : 7:53 p.m.
snow days are coming...

Listening to: Blink 182 (take off your pants and jacket)

(Written on the train to work.)

***haze*** ***haze*** ***twinkle*** ***twinkle***

There�s this skinny� anorexic looking man standing in front of me�

�What?� I ask� I�m confused� everything is just a fog�
�Come on� lets� jump in!� he says�
I�m so flippin' confused� I just stare at him�
�What�s wrong honey?� he asks, in what is now an obvious and clear British accent.
I look around, and notice it�s dusk and we�re somewhere back in Florida.
�What are you waiting for Alex?!� says a second voice. I look around and a second fellow, is flopping around in the water- like it�s gold�
I squint and try to make him out� �Paul?� I ask.
�That�s what happens when you keep him locked up for too long�� says the first Brit.
I look at the famished thing� and squint some more� �Oh my god, Fletcher?�

All of a sudden I feel this pang in my bladder� and in the same moment� I hear:

�I want to (bleep) you like an animal� I want to feel you from the inside� I want to (bleep) you like an animal��--- and the haze starts to lift�

I smack the alarm/radio and snooze it off�

And I immediately start chuckling my butt off� �What the hell???� and scurry off to the bathroom� Water in my dreams always equal one thing� Peeee!!!!!

(Well� or as Ms. Padro, my high school psych teacher once put it� �it�s a sign of repressed sexual angst�") Which only made the chuckle, a bit more hysterical in nature� and the pain in my bladder more severe�

What a way to start the morning, I tell you� funny, funny stuff�

Although� Nine Inch Nail�s??? And the �Animal� track no less�

I look up to the heavens� upon exiting the bathroom� and mumble�
�Excuse me� ahem! Yeah� Mr. God? Can we plug in the ear piece please? Yes� ahem� thank you� There is absolutely no need for that kind of sarcasm so early in the morning! All right� that�s all� thanks for coming��

And I was on to get dressed and be on my way for work�

So yeah� I�m dressed and suited up� (It�s been fucking freezing these past few days� two nights ago it dropped to 16 degree�s�)

And as always I plop on the head phones, before opening the door and heading off�

Blink is on� and funny enough, the player starts itself on my absolutely most favorite track on the CD! Track 8: Roller Coaster�

It�s the only song I know of to use a roller coaster to exemplify the theme of love� and a particular torture, due to it�s unraveling� and well, the song all together- could as well been written by me�

And so it goes�

��Make me promise
that I will never tell
All I remember is
The way (her) bedroom smelled�

I had that dream about you again
Where I wait outside
Until you let me in�

And now I�m breathing deeply
Walking backwards
Finding strength to call and ask her
Roller Coaster, Favorite ride
Let me kiss you one last time
Good night, Good night���Blink 182

Yup� I�m ready to go�

Open the door� step up and out�

�Oh my God�� I am completely awe stricken� it�s so pretty� Absolutely pretty�

I grab my cell phone, in the excitement�

�Shari! Shari! Oh my god!� (My B.F.F. from Miami�)

�Yes� what?! What�s wrong?!�

�It�s SNOWING!!!!�

She starts laughing� �Okay?�

�Oh my God�� I�m still looking around in absolute amazement� It couldn�t have been falling for too long� because there weren�t any steps leading to the house, marked into the snow� and it was absolutely� Uhhhh� Fluffy?
�But Shari� It�s beautiful� holy shit� it�s everywhere� I mean really, really, everywhere� It�s snowing like crazy� It�s like a giant fluffy haze� wow��

You see, I have seen snow before� and I have even been skiing before� but this was blinding� and just so fresh� untouched� not like it had been during my previous visits to New York� it wasn�t the least bit mudded� or gross�

It was absolute fluff�

Perfectly, shaped� like the plastic fake snow� you throw on your christmas tree�

Perfect� fluffy� white� snow�


And how it stacked itself, on the thinnest of empty tree branches� eluded me�

�But Alex� � Still giggling.. �You�ve seen snow before��

�Oh my� but not like this� it�s so clean� so pretty� and everywhere� it�s coming down like a blanket� and sooooo� ummm?? Oh God��

(I actually thought of the word after I had hung up with her� �Peaceful�.)

�Awwww�� She says� �that�s so nice��

At this point I keep laughing my ass off� as it turns out� my Doc Marten�s are not built for this weather� and with one hand on the phone� my bag� and the other with my coffee�
Well, let�s just say there was a bit of brown snow all over the dang place- once I (literally) kept sliding along my way�

�What�s going on?� she asked.

Laughing, �Christ, I keep eating it man! This is so fucking funny� Snow shoes? That�s what that crap is for!�

�Snow shoes?� she asks�

�Fuck�� I�m laughing hysterically at this point� �I can�t see the corner�s of the street� where the side walk drops off� and I keep fucking eating it� it�s so much��

She's laughing her butt off at this point� �Oh!! I�ll get you snow boots sweetie! Your christmas present! Oh!! Oh!! No.. your birthday present!�

�Oh christ!� Still fumbling and laughing� �I just had to call you� no one else would appreciate this moment��

She gives me another, �Awww��

�Yes, Shari� snow boots� we must get those�Aaaah!!� I eat it yet again� and she�s laughing. I continue, �Crap! Oh but it�s so beautiful man� uhhh� snow boots it is then� god I�m so unprepared��

�Why?� she asks�

�Hello� I�m a fucking Floridian� this is new as hell to me� a freakin� surprise snow attack��

And it really was too� It�s been unseasonably cold� and snow doesn�t normally come around until late December� so I�ve been told� and it�s usually a bit more gradual� but this (as I found out later, and news reports�) was a full fledged snow storm�

�Just wow, Shari��

�Well, honey�� she responds, �You are a New Yorker now��

And so I am�

Holy shit�

And so I am.

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* - 2007-07-05
--------------------- - 2006-05-30
hello, goodbye - 2006-05-24
Pinky burglar - 2006-03-09
So let's go... - 2006-02-24