2002-11-14 : 5:21 p.m.
100 Bio Facts
Here's the easy-&-quick-to-read Bio... feel free to stop at any time. I fear it may not be so compelling... Pre-apologies on any grammer/spelling mistakes... I'll try to re-edit in a bit. okay... here it goes:
1) I was born in Ecuador. 2) No I do not look like your stereo-typical "hispanic". 3) My family is actually from Chile. 4) Age? Well, I was born December 20th, 1976... you can do the math. 5) English is NOT my first language. 6) Yet, you wouldn't guess it.(#5) 7) I was raised in Miami, FL. 8) I now currently reside in New York City. 9) We'll just get past this one, in one line shall we? I am 5'6", blue/green/grey eyes, approx. weight: 130 lbs (more or less-depending on season), curly hair, red-head/blonde/strawberry/brunnette... I've been described as all at some point... I'm thinking it's somewhere in between. 10) Music? check profile 11) Movie? same as above. 12) Book... again, profile. 13) No kids. 14) Vanilla & diet coke/pepsi. 15) I'm hypo-glycemic... so the the "diet" is an acquired taste. 16) Coffee addict... yes. 17) Way of dress? Outside of the corporate world... whatever the hell suits my mood... but I love boots... with sharp heels especially... 18) I could give a rats ass about labels... 19) I have no patience for people who do... 20) I will beat you if I see you lay a hand on an innocent and helpless animal or child... even if I don't know you... I have witnesses if you need the proof. Otherwise, I don't believe in violence. 21) I fall in love quite easily. 22) I am not naive... I just make it a point to look for what's not obvious... the human persona is much too complex... and deserves the added attention to detail. 23) I do not tan... to no fault of my own (i try and just burn...)... I am just damn white. 24) Again, I am hispanic... (open your mind please.) 25) I love purples, blues, and black. 26) I attended the University of Florida. 27) I have two degrees... no, not a double major... two completely separate diploma's... I walked twice... took two graduation pictures, had to change tassles... yada yada... two separate bachelor's... 28) I'm overwhelmed with wonderful loyal friends in my life... seriously, i have more friends than anyone I know... and you would too... if you paid more attention. 29) I stick my foot in my mouth all the time... Some people say: I just tell it like it is... other people just say I'm a bitch... 30) But I really do try to be tactful... but I admit that is not my strong suit. 31) I am a romantic, although I am very guarded and weary of it's existence. 32) I paint and write badly... but I love to do both nonetheless. 33) I have a horrible habit of running from a fight with someone I love... but I LOVE(!) a good debate... expands the mind. 34) I have a very loud and boisterous laugh... which can be a bad thing... say if you take me to see a funny play... beware. 35) Actually, (who am I kidding...) I'm just loud in general... trust me... I am hispanic. 36) I respect one thing and one thing only: People who live outside the restrictions of the general opinion and expect the same for others. Anything else... is fear. 37) I am obsessed with music... and if I had more money and it were just as easily accessible... it would be the same with film... 38) There is one debate I refuse to ever have again... Arnold Schwazinager is NOT an actor... he is an entertainer... there is a Difference... so if you know nothing of the art of acting... Please do not approach me on this issue. 39) I have NO secrets. Seriously... ask and I will answer... I have a belief by this... and it will never change. 40) Yes I have dwelled in the world of illegal substances, (nothing too serious in my OPINION.) Come on, haven't you seen Miami Vice? It's a fact. 41) I love boys. 42) I love girls. 43) I am not a lesbian or bi-sexual... although I have no problems kissing a woman... it's much like kissing a man I have no attraction to... it feels the same. 44) I love wine... red please... I'm always looking for new ones to try... 45) Chile, is a wine country... so it's in my blood persay. 2nd only to France for taste, exports, yada yada... so if you think you are the connoisseur of wines... please don't approach me on the subject, if you haven't tried any Chilean wine. 46) I love to dance, but strangely enough am attracted to boys, who don't... but are willing to play. 47) I can work a pole better than any stripper I've met... and no I've never done it professionally... it's a strange gift really, can't tell you where it came from. 48) I don't wear gold, never have... strictly silver. 49) I'd rather you make something for me, than buy me something. 50) Yes, my boobs are real. Again to no fault of my own... Although, no one in my family knows where the hell they came from... seriously I am the only woman with more than adequate boobs. 51) Yes, they are nice. 52) And yes, I wish they were smaller... they're more trouble than they are worth ladies. 53) I am not religious, but very spiritual. 54) Do not try to convert me, or I will gladly send you an air tight jar with my puke... to wherever you are in the world. 55) I am emotional. 56) I wouldn't live any other way. 57) I am a very nervous person... anxiety can be my down fall. 58) A teacher once told me I "carry the weight of the world on my shoulders..." He is right. I cry relentlessly for Africa. 59) Yes, you probably have seen me on 'Girl's Gone Wild'... Believe it or not, I was sober. 60) I don't have problems with nudity... but I am drastically insecure... ironically enough, in front of the boys I fall in love with. 61) I love the sense of touch. 62) I have been told I am very "animated"... "expressive"... true... true. 63) I am a perfectionist with myself. 64) I can be very moody and sickly, but it's usually due to the hypoglycemia... 65) I am superstituos, but more out of habit, than belief. When you come from the culture I am from... you can't help it. 66) I am a very touchy-feely person. As a hispanic & other like minded: Italians, Sicilians, Portugese, Mexican... yada, yada... we were not raised with this psychological/3 ft perameter rule. So if I'm too close, just tell me. I'll kindly ablige. 67) I hate hair, (on my body, not your's silly). If I could dip myself in chin-deep Nair and get rif of it all, i would. And that's considering, much of it is so blonde, you can't see it. 68) I long to learn how to play my acoustic guitar... 69)My sense of smell affords me my fondest memories. 70)Don't dare me, unless you are absolutely certain you want to see it done. 71)My brother is a God trapped in a 6ft frame. 72)I must say, my long skinny legs are lethal...ha! 73) I can't say the same for the rest of my body... hey, you win some- you lose some. 74) I will be the first person to laugh my ass off, when I fall flat on my face. (And being the "ham" that I am, it happens quite often.) 75) I will also probably be the first to laugh, when 'You' fall flat on your face. Come on Folks! Life can be a riot, crack a smirk will ya? And yes, I will also help you back up... geeze... (while I'm laughing), ha! 76) One of my best friends nick named me: E.B. and it stuck. 77) Why E.B.? It stands for: Encyclopedia Brittanica. I have this uncanny ability to retain random factoids. Hell, with all the "learning channel" nonsense I watch, i'm sure I have a few random PHD's of sorts. 78) I have a birth mark on my right inner left thigh, in the shape of the Island of Hispanola or Puerto Rico(?)... It's still up for debate. 79) I dance a mean Merengue. 80) My favourite description of me? (And I've gotten this from quite a few sources.) That I am "sexual". 81)Of all the scars I have incurred... my fav is my exhaust pipe burn, on my left calf... my leg got caught on a Kawasaki motorcycle 600(?...I think it was, or 800?), dual exhaust bike, low rider style of sorts... 2nd and third degree burns, couldn't walk for a month... but damn I'm proud of it... 82) And oh God! I looooooove Roller coasters... cars, motorcycles, ...uggghhh (homer simpson drool here...)-boys on a sweet fast ped ... ahem! (sorry, gettin' off course a bit...) 83) Who am I foolin(?)... I love speed... period. 84) I love tattoo's... 85)The one thing I've never been called: a "pink princess"... thank god, I'd throw up. 86) Tulips and Irises, please.... Mmmm, yes... delicate and timely... 87) I believe poverty is preventable and entirely political. 88) Go ahead and just try to refute #87. When I was 15, I, my parents, my baby brother, and my dog were homeless, and living in separate homes/couches by the grace of others... for a little over four months... so go ahead... try me. 89) Seriously, if you need a place to crash, assuming my roomie gives the equal thumbs up... you're welcome to visit and crash at my place. Just bring a case of Guinness, or honey brown, or some other comparable brown, and we're square. 90) Yes, I know how to read tarot cards (long mother freakin story). No, I do NOT believe they tell the future. You can email me, if you so desire the explanation. 91) I have an addictive personality. Cig's, caffiene, whatever... I do have to make a concerted effort to keep these things in check. 92) i love food. Thai especially. the fact that i am not heavier, is due to lucky genetics and the "grace of god"... if you will. 93) People who do not know me, automatically assume I am "stubborn". But the truth is I thrive at being the 'devil's advocate', and love to test people's opinions... And as passionate as I may become or am, I also welcome the reciprocation. There is no other process more truthful for learning about yourself and what's "right" for you. So do not assault me with the "stubborn" equation, without leaving your own insecurities at the door. 94) I admire: people who do not follow the status quo (but not for the sake of attention.) Also: (95) a sense of humor. (96) men who can and choose to, paint their nails. (97) passionate folk, whatever the cause. (98) victims, who refuse to see themselves as one. (99)boys that adore their mothers, but aren't a so called- momma's boy. 100) And no, I will not pretend to read you, or put you on my fav's list, just because you think you can woo me via email...although I am flattered. You obviously need to read for yourself... to get to know me a bit better. I hope I answered all your questions and you won't take it personally... |
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