2002-11-14 : 3:25 p.m.
Here's your intro Adrienne...
Listening to: Pixies (Death to the Pixies, Disc 1)
Mmmmm... I haven't talked about my new roomie at all... not that she's so 'new' anymore, really. And she has been in my thoughts as of lately... but by the time I get to writing about anything... something a bit more discerning occurs and over rides all the other thoughts. Adrienne... yes. Peculiar, witty, artistic, down to earth-Virgina style: Adrienne. It was the last Saturday of October, mid afternoon, when she walked through my door... I had been conducting these pseudo-roommate auditions for three days now... and prospects were... ehhh, just there really... And I was pretty settled with the idea of having another guy as a rommate... simply because I get along with men much better... in terms of any living arrangements... (and not for any particular sexual reasons... you sneaky pervs...) Actually, there's a very good reason for this... (aside from the obvious benefit of having boys all over the apartment... please, I'm no fool...) but normally when I live with a boy, (and here's the key: if he has a girlfriend, or is to get one- while living with me...) I find the females are more receptive and generally just less hostile towards me... My theory is that, they know what there walking into at that point... and thusly (usually) more receptive to getting to know me, before wanting to claw my face off for no fucking particular reason. Because that in fact... ALWAYS happens... for much of my life... the women... (of the men-- in my life), always have me on a damn hit list- of sorts... always... I know it's due to their insecurities... but it always makes me laugh hysterically- when the dumb bitches come at me... sometimes before they even would meet me... because well... So the whole thing would always bug me out, to no end... Until recently... It came to my attention why this would happen at times... (well at least, with the prospective ladies that would encapsulate my better male friends...) (And this is sweet really...) The dumbasses would talk... and talk... and talk... about: ME. Dorks... no wonder the beautes hated me with such fervor... "Well Alex... did this..."... "Alex does that..."... "Shit one time... me and Alex..." and the one that threw me off the rocker once: "... why can't you do it like she does?..." Jesus! Are you nuts...?!!! I mean, I know my boys love me... and are a bit over protective... but jesus... don't say that kind of shit, to your bitch-to-be and expect to not eventually hear her chanting: Death to the big busted red head! Now when this happens... I'm more inclined to not take the attacks or snear attitude personally... and I'll put more effort into boosting the dumb broads confidence... It's not their fault really, if they happen to have nim-wits as boyfriends... as good as their intentions may be... God knows that shit would piss me off... So yeah... that was the beef behind wanting another boy initially... but in comes Adrienne... and I can't explain it... I just knew she was the one! As corny and funny as that may sound... it was definitely my gut... And it was also something she said on her way out that day. She turned to me and said: "I don't know why... but I think I'd like it here..." "...hmmm... I think so to..." I told her I would think about it... but I knew... I called her the next day, and invited her into my humble abode. It's been a few weeks now... and no regrets... She's a funny little camper and more importantly curteous... and unselfish... Cool. Did I mention her boy is a DJ? Sweet deal.
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