2002-08-13 : 12:37 p.m.
current top ten
Top 10 things on my mind right now:
1) I need to find a place to live in two weeks and counting... and how the farfignewton am I gonna move all my shit. 2) The ass that sits next to me at work is actually that... an ass. And to think that I was feeling so sorry for the rat for being so dang obese... "and god what a hard life she must have..." whatever... boo-hoo hoo... 3) (No this is not a complaint, nor should it be interpreted as anything other than just a thought... i'm serious...) but... is good sex just as essential as a good kisser... to a relationship. The addage... he or she "can't kiss" and the fling ends there... i believe is true... but then why or how is it that couples can stick it through "bad sex"... discuss... and leave me notes please... i'd like input. 4) I'm gonna miss james. I really like talking to him. 5) My brother is a lucky bastard and yes I am complaining and whining up the ass... cuz the little bugger has it way so much easier... it's like parental's are getting it right with him... i wonder how long I'm gonna be the family guinea pig in this family heirarchy... 6) I don't think this harry potter nonsense is all that... and yet i am consumed with the idea that I have to get my hands on the third edition and continue reading... i'm officially a sucker in the all mighty pop culture consumer phenonmenom... damn good media propaganda! 7)I want to pierce my essentials... seriously. 8) It will be four years since Danny died in November and I still haven't gotten my second tat in memory of him... i'm broke and a slacker in the worst way... :( 9) my boobs really are sagging... i think... damn i'm getting old... fuck a boob reduction... gotta start savin' for a damn lift now... FARFIGNEWTON!!! 10) why does the world have to be such a piece of political shit... the interst rate imposed by other countries on Africa creates millions of extra dollars of debt every single day, added on what they already owe... creating billions and billions of mounting deficit.. when they can "only" repay millions at a time... on any given day.... this is how the poor stay poor... if your wealth status was not in any way affected by an extra dollar a day... would you take a dollar from a man whose ribs showed from mal- nutrition and who's children die before they reach the age of five because they have no food? Could you face him and take that dollar... and remember it's only a dollar a day in your pocket... one dollar... not even worth enough for a subway train ride in New York... would you notice the difference in "your" quality of life... these countries who are "owed" would suffer the equivalent of this loss... but they chose to take the dollar... yes, this is a stress for me... because for me it invalidates one thru nine...
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