2002-10-24 : 6:04 p.m.
80 and piercing
Listening to: Stabbing Westward
uuggghh... my ears hurt, both no less... this is serious shit... it's the upper cartilage, that I have just recently pierced... or re-peirced rather... this is my fourth attempt on the right ear... I've been trying since I was like 18, i think... And it's been more than difficult to maintain, because I am allergic to nickle... (a common element in jewlery)... and finding jewlery that is nickle free, that can fit into such piercings is non-existent!!! So this last time I went home... I was in such a "fuck it" attitude that I went ahead and got both ears done this time... thinking... one of them- dear god- has got to work... And so far so good... it's been about a month... but they are starting to feel sore... the longest a piercing has lasted on my cartiledge before getting infected, was a bit past a year, I believe... so as you can see, it's a bit of a struggle for me, to get these things to heal right... actually, my second (ear lobe) piercing took a little over two years to completely heal (I now have three piercing's on each lobe)... and I can wear any kind of jewlery... So basically I figure... by the time I am able to get through every damn piercing I want... I'll be what... like 80? That will be a sure treat for the tattoo parlor, ey! "Yeah man..." (waddling in on a cane and shit... "I'd like my clit pierced please..." What a riot! Ha!
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