2005-12-02 : 3:07 p.m.
wish list
I want a new job...
I want a home to call my own... I want to actually be paid what my intelligence is worth and not be supervised by someone who feels intimidated by it... I don't want to be put in a position of apologizing for just knowing something you don't... When winter has passed, I don't want to spend the summer cleaning the black mold off the bathroom tile (again)... I want my hubby to feel proud of his work and move forward... I want to win the mega millions, so I can save all the dying babies in Africa... I want to win at a scratch lottery game and use the money to pay off politicians, for things actually worth while for humanity... Republicans shouldn't have all the fun. ************************************* Today, I accidentally bled into a small bottle of pure tea tree oil. Three small bubbles of blood moved effortlessly through the fluid and would not dissolve. And I thought I could blend in anywhere...
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