2006-01-06 : 11:55 a.m.
Pat Robertson gives me seizures
Pat Robertson: Sharon�s stroke is God�s wrath
Televangelist suggests illness is divine punishment for �dividing God�s land� � Controversial comment on Sharon Jan. 6: Televangelist Pat Robertson has again caused controversy, this time by saying that Ariel Sharon's stroke is divine punishment for "dividing God's land." NBC's Kevin Corke reports. Today show Updated: 10:43 a.m. ET Jan. 6, 2006 ************************************** COCK SUCKER- MOTHER FUCKER- STUPID INBRED- INGRATE- PEANUT SIZED MONKEY BRAIN- RELIGIOUS SELF-RIGHTOUS- EGOTISTICAL IGNORANT FUCK... MAY YOU DROP DEAD WHERE YOU STAND. If someone could please tell me, show me, anything, where in this God forsaken Bible does God declare "Thow shalt not listen to anything of substance I have really said, and simply go forth and pose judgment on your fellow brethern on my belhalf..." Oh wait...NO ONE CAN!!! Ok, I'm done now. Thanks for listening. May you and all, have a very Happy Pat Robert-fuck beans-son free day.
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