2005-09-03 : 5:16 p.m.
I use to hate politics... but BUSH forced my hand...
I was just on blurbomat's page. And I read something that left me so angry I thought my head was going to combust... so I left the following note, to his ignorant readers leaving ignorant notes on his page. And by the by, blurbomat... brilliant.
Here it is: Sorry... one more thing. I just read someone's note that mentioned how they lived through hurricane Andrew and 9/11... and how the government came around, did a good job... and yada yada... Umm excuse me, but if you really were in SOUTH Florida where Andrew hit, you would have seen people with their guns, perched and protecting what was left of their rubble. YOU would have heard the random gun shots, YOU would have been floored at those coming into the area charging 50 bucks for a flippin' bag of ice, YOU would have been at one of the shelters, as I was, helping a random old woman, displaced from her home, trapped in her wheel chair, without her medication, with just juice, helping her get to the bathroom from her corner against the wall, at the local high school cafeteria... COME THE F' ON. Bush senior was SEVERELY criticized for dragging his feet to bring aid then. And, many say he lost the following election in part to the criticism in handling the catastrophe. Yes, it takes time and coordination in massive scales to organize relief, and its excruciatingly difficult and taxing. H-O-W-E-V-E-R, a hurricane is not a surprise. NOT 9/11. (And as current and permanent NYC resident don't you even DARE compare), it's not an earthquake, it's not a wam-bam! hit and miss tornado. IT IS A HURRICANE. WITH A RELATIVELY PREDICTABLE PATH. (precise? no. never. But very predictable.) The national guard should have been placed on call and ready to go. To then have entered and start moving people IMMEDIATELY in the aftermath, in whatever capacity they could. THEN, and only then, could Bush have waited a bit to gauge if further assistance was needed. Regardless, SOMETHING, ANYTHING should have been witnessed immediately in the aftermath as a form of relief. SOMETHING. No one is asking YOUR precious president (CUZ MY ASS DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM), to predict the depth of despair or the extent of the hell that this has escalated to... but there should have been SOMETHING to show the government was making an active choice to be prepared, to help, to save... to MOVE THEIR ASSES OUT OF VACATION MODE FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME THIS YEAR, and into the job he is getting paid 6 figures to do. Anything, would have been something. And that is where the despair in people's mind lie... Yet, there was NOTHING. NOTHING. The void for help was wider and grander than the current void between your ears. Had the public seen something being mobilized from day one, in preparation for the impending strike... even if it had just turned out to be a category 1... but something, anything, Bush would have come out and said..." We were prepared, but unfortunately no one foresaw how grave this would become and we are now mobilizing for more." (okay so my vocabulary span is waaaay BETTER, but you get the gist.) And most of us, whether we already hated Bush or not, would have responded... And so I ask you.. as many others do again... WHERE IS MY GOVERNMENT NOW...???? He asked for the job. He got it. So when is it going to happen. The do-ing that is... And another thing!!!! One more crap in the ass about, "well I... yada... yada... know what it's like to fight a war... yadda... and you people should be thankful for your freedom...yada..." I am. We are. Get off the self Righteous, we have the only GOVERNMENT THAT SHOULD RULE THE WORLD!! *enter maniacal pirate laugh here* mentality... No one is denying what we have here. In fact what we have here is so great, so powerful, and "could" be so amazing... that it only adds to the shock with relation to the response on this current crisis. We have the power and the will to re-create the enlightenment period three fold!! As an immigrant, that was granted the right to become a citizen so I would not have to grow up in a country with oppression and a dictator watching my every move, only to possibly be killed for even reading the wrong book. SO I AM THANKFUL. BELIEVE ME. And again, no one is any less supportive of the troops who go off to Iraq. The troops themselves are not at fault for the careless decisions of those dictating their moves. We all know this and most, just want them to come home, and be safe. Because it is VERY obvious what it is they are giving up. But there is a thing as "sovereignty of state", of a nation, all over the globe. And we seriously breeched that when entering a country, based on a fabricated lie, fed to all and US. Saddam is and will always be shit. And in part I am very glad to see him go. But how we went about it was entirely INCORRECT and CARELESS. Brutal, and at the very least egotistical. And as the daughter of a once military man... I can talk. So please, wake the f' up. Whether it's a war or a damn hurricane, this administration is continually failing us. And as a result more and more lives are at jeopardy every day. ****************** Umm... correct me if I'm wrong... but errr... and I just heard this on CNN... precious George Bush JR CUT the BUDGET. Man oh man... we are in serious trouble. ********************** No really... we are. **************** on another aside, my hubby went to the gaming store to trade some of his games for cash credit and with that, donated to the Hurricane relief. He soooo sweet and PC, I could kiss him to death. **************** And another note...(blurbomat is so gonna ban my ass from his page...) For those who can only donate and give money, we can and should complain. I've done what I can and it literally was done in minutes. Click a mouse button here and there... donation done. Go down the street and donate to salvation army, clothes, blankets, shoes, done. Hubby goes to donate games to a gaming store, so money can be turned over to Red Cross done. So what now? Complain? You better believe it. Throw your bras back into that fire! Jock straps be gone! Complain! Because with that... with the voice of the public, the voice of the world and the masses within can and will... eventually (we hope) gather the steam it needs towards change. And believe it or not, all these words are at the root of some of the greatest change we are all capable of achieving. So complain! Wail I say! Because those who can not speak right now, need to be heard. And those responsible and with the power to make change NEED TO KNOW. It is beyond "hating" or "pointing fingers" for the sake of just doing it. It is a necessary evil to what needs to be a good end. And part of that good end, is making change to a bureaucracy that is dysfunctional. Because such disasters will and can happen again. And that is a fact. A sad, sober, fact. So now what I have been asked to do, is done, I am taking off my wretched old lady lookin� excuse for a bra, catch the attention of as many red blooded Americans that I can with my tasteless breasts, and I am going to scream and shout for change.
Good day, good night, and God speed to all and even atheists alike.
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