2004-11-05 : 11:55 a.m.
Border's and Boundries of Politics
Anecdote 2
One of my close friends had her first child two months ago. She emailed me the following, after Kerry's concession. And responded. *************************************** >God bless us >Carmen-
Carmen, I know. I think of little babies being born now... from friends back in Miami, to you here. And it makes me very sad. I guess somewhere deep inside me, I thought with time people would at least open their heart and minds, and accept that we all have different religions and ideas... and that it's okay. I believe in my heart, that if there is a God... and if there is a second coming of Christ... that he will tell them how sad they have made him, for not honoring all children, as God's children. No matter what. Kiss little Mando for me. And you can tell him that Aunti Alex has been changed forever. And I will die fighting- for people to be accepted for what they are, no matter what GOD they choose to feel whole with. And especially, until people understand that it's no one's business, who or what you want to sleep with. A banana, a monkey, a man, or a woman. You don't have to understand it, to accept it- if it hurts no one, or nothing. Our business should be that guns have locks, so babies don't accidentally shoot themselves. That schools, especially in Florida- (which might I add- rank with the worse), get the tools they need,so they can be literate at the polls. So that minimum wage is raised for parents who work 2, 3 jobs- don't have to. (And you wonder why they don't know where their kids are?) And on and on. I still won't call myself a Democrat, or anything. But I will never stand for someone who wears 'One' religion on his sleeve, and makes decisions by said religion. Because it's not fair to all those, who 'happen' to not follow that same creed. Especially when they are law abiding, good to their families and neighbors. I will never commend a man with that stance. And I will die for that. Or else what is there to exist for? Than for culture? Carmen. I've become something I never imagined I would be. A political activist. So kiss your Mando, and tell him he's being fought for. Love ya oodles and miss you much, |
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