2002-11-21 : 2:23 p.m.
oh dear...
I just spoke to my little bro'... and well.. it's 2:30 p.m. or so here... and apparently... the grand secret will be revealed in... T... minus 3 hours and counting... he has an errand he needs to run first... he found it really amusing that I would be so nervous over something so silly... made him chuckle quite a bit... one small step for man... one giant leap for the Alex-kind...Ha! and you mister... mustangusmc... i swear if you get a look-see of the pic and don't call me tonight... i will have to take a greyhound post haste to your neck of the woods... and spank you dear!!! and oh Mr. devallyk one smarty pants crack... and more than my twins will be burned at the stake!!!! Ha! Melissa... cross the fingers... Shari.... can we please fuck Steve already? i'm getting antsy here... okay, I'm off to write today's entry...toodles loves...
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