2002-12-10 : 7:26 p.m.
Who's your spankin' daddy?
Listening to: Pearl Jam (Columbus, disc B)
So I'm at the post and this african america male... gives me a delightful and boisterous "Hello!" I laugh... say 'hello' and hand him my package... he reads where it's addressed to: "Oooooooh Girl! Use got's you a daddy in England?" I'm laughing... "ummm... yeah sure..." "Wow... he take care of you?" "Mmmm... so far..." I smile... "Yeah... sure..." "What can he possibly do from all the way over there?" "Uhhh well... for one... send flowers.." "Any flowers?" "Roses." "Holly crap! For real? oooohhh girl... yeah he's your daddy..." I'm laughing my ass off at this point. He then turns around to place the postage on the package... and abruptly just turns back around and yells: (I shit you not... in the middle of a really hectic and packed post office in Grand Central Station... he yells...) "Who's your daddy!!!??" I'm a bit stunned and at the same time laughing my ass off... he repeats... louder... "Who's your daddy??!!" "Ummm... Fletcher?" "I can't hear you... WHO's YOUR DADDY?" I'm crying... I'm laughing so hard... "F-L-E-T-C-H-E-R!!!" "You got it girl!!!" He then hands me my receipt and says: Through tears and absolute tummy pains, from all the laughing... And went on my way... What can I tell you? I had to address the package properly, didn't I?
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