2003-03-30 : 12:30 a.m.
I choose to free... (because I wouldn't be alive, otherwise.) Every FREE country has an agenda... To think otherwise... Is unrealistic and ignorant. Peace, security, and the right to pray for your God... And more importantly, the sense of; not the actuallity... but the �sense� of safety... that American�s... British... Canadians... and others... CANNOT...always... (and unfortunately so) be achieved without force. To think otherwise... Is unrealistic and ignorant. If such Idealism could be true... and held accountable as something innate and given... Check your history... Check your world... To believe this, is unrealistic... And ignorant. It simply does not work that way. My parents fled a country over run by a dictator... This coup, was secretly supported by the U.S. government... to overthrow a socialist regime... that was leading the country to massive humanitarian death. Chile was under massive embargo�s... due to a laundry list long, of foul up�s by Allende and his stronghold over the country...(details that I won�t bore you with, for the time being). �You have to understand...� my father would tell me. His finger tips from both hands just touching... as if trying to restrain overt emotion, and equally emphasizing the point... �Before the coup, Allende had gotten on the radio...the television... and told the country...�I�m sorry but...we may have only enough food for two days...� and told us...we would be on our own. Can you understand that? The implications of that?� He said in a lowered, searching tone. And so, and as such... secretly funding coups, in order to help a suppressed people to change, over power, and regroup a new government, was a common tactic back then. The military would act as a temporary �peace keeping� agency... till the country could organize itself. But as we know from history, Pinochet (the army�s/ i.e. coup�s General) would thwart the notion to hold peace, for a new government to take shape... and become dictator. But not for too long... at least comparatively, as is the case in Iraq. But long enough, that the government and it�s people would organize... Many people died, many injustices occurred, and battles had to take hold... before a democracy could take shape to flourish. But with time and sacrifice, it would happen. My people are free-er than ever before... and with so much room to still grow... You see, nothing is an exact science. All that, is a struggle, in a really, really, tight nut shell... that would compel my parent�s to flee to begin with. And I, and my young brother... Would become AMRERICAN�S. But it is now... with these years of strife finally subsiding, and with the U.S. (and others) giving Aid... My uncle... can see... And teach... REALLY teach... at his local university. And now that the government is organized... they are also taking it upon themselves, to persecuting their own... who have violated, atrociously, human rights... including Pinochet himself. This point of freedom and sovereignly of state, would never have been achieved without the sacrifice...from all angles. And not taking the moment to educate yourself as entirely as possible... (and not just from a purely idealistic...�Peace not war� frame of mind...) is your responsibility. And your gift, as you sit in a free state. To conduct yourself any other way..is ignorant... And the cause for unrealistic expectations... And I can�t tell you how much I detest the idea, that such an action has had to take place... But unfortunately... with tears... I understand... it is sometimes an evils mean... to a better, and currently eclipsed, future. No one being bombed...or witnessing to being shelled... will tell you, it�s any fun. But I also have a hard time turning my cheek, when Saddam and his men... threaten death to their people and their children, if they do not support him... or when he rapes, beats, and kills women into submission... At their fucking sexual leisure. Please... educate yourself.
Because... you and I both know... That no one.. Not even as you stand there with your anti-war jargon... and your cup of oooh-la-la Starbuck�s coffee... and MTV... would enjoy living in such predicaments. But oh-no... when you buy your slave labor processed blue jeans and coffee mugs... you can turn your cheek? But damn the world for doing nothing... Damn your government...for doing nothing. And damn them, for then doing too much. Some people... for whatever reason... have the tick... that mystery gene... that block themselves to talk... Block themselves to your speeches... and pleads to... (in proper southern accented fashion), �oh darlin�... do ya� think you could just point that little precious gun of your elsewhere... is making me a little nervous...and while you at it, could you please put that dreadful chemical in the closet, it might ruin my hair...� And so, they have to be dealt with somehow. And if one route doesn�t work... you take the other. This unfortunately... is the other. If a man enters my home... intent on just killing and raping for greed, power, whatever insane notions; I will never understand why he commits to such actions. Because thankfully, I simply cannot bring myself to think in such a manner. And I know when he is done with my family- Another group will be next...if someone doesn�t stop him. And as it happens, I have a way... and it may involve me having to kill him. Do I wait to see if any more pleads... and drops to my knees will work? Well, that would mean ignoring the information that I have educated myself with. But I choose to be empowered. So I�m sure you can draw the conclusion of my action. To assume otherwise... Is unrealistic and ignorant. Sept. 11th was going to happen... and unfortunately... as it happens throughout the world over and over again... Saddam killed 5,000 innocent civilians, with a chemical weapon, in Iran, in the first day of what would turn into a war. In a previous act of aggression, for historical reasons, you can look up and educate yourself with... And that is just one incident. The other thing that must be taken into account... is the generation that is �my� age now in Iraq... who have grown up with nothing else, outside of Saddam�s control... He feeds them what they hear, see, and understand... If you knew of very little else... you would too. And even if you did, and you found you had no physical way out... fear, would keep you in place. War is not a �natural� action of the heart... but it can be a necessary action to take... Unfortunately. And as an American, I will exercise my right to vote... And my right, to keep myself informed from as many angles as possible, to keep a watch on my own government... To make sure... for myself if all else... that as much of a precaution as possible, is being taken to protect civilians, and that this war DOES NOT go on longer than necessary. And that Iraqi�s can proceed on the long road to a free society... as free as is possible. For any �people�. Again, no government is free from �Interest�, because we as consumers... and you too, in your precious Hippy Love-free Birkenstock�s also, make it that way... And every country has it�s needs, it�s wants, comparatively to what it has or hasn�t; and will inevitably, create said �Interests�. This will NEVER change. Because the earth... what it fosters, what we consume as humans... cannot and will not change... But at least we can protest, we can rally, we can fight, we can raise our voices, we can keep watch (if we choose to)... and we can choose Starbuck�s. And... I can prosecute my and your, rapist. Nothing is black and white... and talk... is not an always effective tool in the end. And the U.S.- however far from perfection... is damned when it does... and damned when it doesn�t. And to understand otherwise... Is an unrealistic and ignorant frame of mind. No matter your preference or stand point... educate... and consume information from AS MANY SOURCES AS POSSIBLE... before claiming TRUTH. Meanwhile, make yourself useful... And let go of at least one cup of coffee... one pair of shoes... or trip to some foreign country for just fun and relaxation... And put your money where it counts. And where your loose mouth is. If you really are that worried about �innocense� as you claim you are. Please... Please, read this. If you do anything at all. Let that be a start. And feel free to venture throughout the site. There are many others as well. However personally, and through educating myself...avidly... this one does an astonishing amount good work. So drop your crayola decorated poster, pick up a pen, and your check book. And REALLY make yourself useful. And on another note... the U.S. had tried to urge people to uprise on their own... many times over... But when the U.S. finish their job and withdrew from Kuwait... Saddam went on a rampage... A murderous rampage. Please... Please... Please... EDUCATE yourself.
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