2004-10-01 : 12:56 p.m.
this really is a positive note...
Please bare with me, as this starts a bit long.
As an immigrant to this country, my start could not have been any more political. I was brought at the tender age of one, by parents, namely a father who was enchanted with the opportunities heard to only exist in America. Thereby flatly resisting a life within the confines of a Pinochet regime in Chile. �Hey Russia� my nukes are bigger than your nukes!� �What?! Please! Our nukes are soooo more better than your nukes.� �Nah-uhhhh...� �Yeah�huh�� Good grief! I was ten and already dizzy. Where was my government to educate the young of all the wonders of the world and good in diversity? To prevent the riots that surrounded me as a child? To control the guns only used in hate or anger? Or prevent the hunger that followed my elementary classmates whom had nothing to go home to? Where was my government to help my best friends mother, who worked for years upon years, illegally trapped in the confinements of a hot garment factory� for $125 a month? Where was my government to help find us a home?.. when Eastern fell and we lost it all, and I was left without a home? Without my bed? My sheets? My parents to not despair? Where was government to hold corporate America responsible? From Eastern to Enron� I could go on� I could go on� and on. And now here I am at 27. Eligible to vote, never having done so. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am not an independent. I am a consumption of years of Apathy. Until I sat with my husband, in front of the television, and caught what became the entirety of Kerry�s speech, following his stay in Vietnam. I wasn�t even a speck on the cellular level then, and yet I was completely consumed. The words, the message, the conviction� so concise, so intelligent, so eloquent. I felt myself recounting the words my mother expressed in admiration for J.F.K. Up to that point, I had gone through the valleys with the rest of America. Feeling it really had to be a grave situation, such that Iraq �had to be� invaded And thus felt as most, that we needed to be supportive of this President who claimed to know so much. Only to then realize, we had time all along to cooperate with the rest of the world, to attempt anything and all, before fruitlessly losing so many lives. Both American and Iraqi. And for once, I feel the apathy rising again. But this time it�s more angry and disgusted and frankly� tired. Tired of the death. Tired of our soldiers being put to the �test� to quote, �make Americans safer�� when by chance it only seems to happen where there are oil reserves. Oh, come on??? We have many of these same called �fundamentalist- extremists� fermenting their death ridden plans in troubled Africa. Using the chaos to grow in strength and numbers, while they butcher relentlessly. Where is the �make American�s safer� plan there? Where is the stop to this genocide? Where? Where? Where? Where is my government now? Again? Well I�ve had it. My apathy has even had it. The only thing that remains steadfast in it�s apathy, is in the lack of faith for the numbing, inadequate, and lack of substance- of Bush�s ill equipped verbiage. His words would mean more to me at this point, as a decorative placement on toilet paper I can easily use and dispose of. And this debate�? this debate�? That had me twitching in disgust. Simply put, if you cannot even adequately form thoughts to communicate your message� how can your �action�s� to deliver be any better? On November 2nd, I will be voting for the first time. And for that, I will always remember Senator Kerry. He motivated me to do the one thing that seems to be harder for most Americans than losing weight� Getting out to VOTE.
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