2002-12-03 : 12:46 p.m.
Let us study a scene, and be in the moment...
Listening to: Then Jerico (This Big Area)
Written on the train to work today... "... What does it take? What does it take? All that I'd do..."--Then Jerico To be "in the moment"- in theatrical terms... means to be- in a particular place, where in essence- you recognize the world you have created on stage- to be real... It's more than just forgetting the audience is there-- It's about being involved in a thought so entirely- You cease to think all together. It's about being consumed in taste... in a heightened sense... in smell... For me it is like being in love... Not loving... but being "in love"... I become so engrossed in the feel of it all... that anything and everything around me... the audience... becomes a complete blur... I become so engrossed by the heat of the moment... the weight of his body, when it lays over me... and completely over comes me... and yet somehow... I manage to breathe... And with this pressure... I become aware of what I take forgranted any other day... on any other moment... the pull and escape of my breath... Which I feel... I feel... When I am intoxicatingly... In love... In the moment... On the stage... where I feel my breath... I feel the grasp and pull of what I long for... a coffee cup... a step... for the words, I beg for... to come out of his mouth... I love that moment... Because in all honesty... My mind believes with all sadness that it's not real... because it always ends... His pressure over me... always ends... the curtain falls... and I'm left to pack my things to go home... My mind wants so badly to believe in the moment... that maybe on some plain... it does have some kind of longevity... It really does 'want' to believe... and find a way to actually 'Live', in the moment... I wonder if Kim... Kimberly Austin knows how...
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