2002-11-19 : 2:59 p.m.
A future picture disclaimer, if you will...
Listening to: Subcircus (Carousel) & Semi sonic (Feeling Strangely Fine)
I keep flippin' on the two... Today is definitely proving to be a drastically long day at work� I�m covering for Brigid today� and as such� I get to be bored out of my wits from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. tonight� Uuugh�. My brain is so numb right now� that I don�t feel like writing an ounce of anything at the moment� hmmm�. Maybe inspiration will hit me with my next cup of coffee� ehh� If only I could IM people on this computer� ahhhh!! On another note� although not any more interesting I�m afraid� Well kids� the deed is done� I�ve shipped my brother the CD with my pic�s and well� you will be subjected to quite the quintessential black and white photograph of me� soon� Why the round about way of getting a pic up? Well� there are a multitude of reasons� For one, I don�t have a scanner� Two, worse- I don�t have access to a computer with such amenities outside the office� Three, the office I work for is sealed so tight� most of the computers have no drives� CD, floppy whatever on them� so you can�t save or install anything without their knowledge� Oh yes, it�s a law office (if I hadn�t mentioned it before)� you can�t go anywhere without having to scan yourself through every kind of door�. Even the bathroom� I shit you not� If you�ve seen Devil�s Advocate� all I can tell you, is the shit ain�t no joke! Let me put it to you this way� some of these folks are representing members of the (now defunct) ENRON� hell, the F.B.I. (from what I�ve been told) has already run through the place twice� No kidding. That�s top New York law for you�. So anyway- on to the point� the only other places you can go in the city� to use a computer with a scanner and such� run you about $18 to $20 and hour� I shit you not� I almost busted a ball on that one myself� So, ENTER: My baby brother� He doesn�t have a scanner either� but the lucky bugger took our dad�s lap-top with him to school� so I�ve over-nighted the disc� with a pic for him to prop up on the good ol� profile�s page and WA-LA!!! I must warn you though� I DID NOT WANT TO USE THAT PICTURE AT ALL� Remember that, it�s very, very important� Why? It looks like one of those �glamour shots� �. (it�s actually the head shot I�m currently using�) That�s Hollywood terminology for: �Expensive picture that better get your ass a damn audition!� And as I said� I currently have no other way� to put anything up at the moment� so I dare you, to please deal with what will look like the most pretentious bull shit there is� Although in my defense, you will get no other picture that looks �more� like me than that one� See, in the biz� you have to be sure your head shot� really, really looks like you� I know that sounds remarkably stupid� but idiots alike have a knack of doing the good ol� touch up here and there� that by the end of it� it simply does not look like them at all� And if you send that kind of shit to a producer� and you walk into a room not looking� like what they expect to see� Well, don�t expect a nice response� period. And if worse, they remember you� if your picture should come by them again� don�t expect to ever get a call for anything� So as you can imagine� getting the proper picture and still look good, can be quite the struggle� as it was for me. And would you guess� I still don�t like the damn picture� no surprise, eh? Yet, I am damn proud of one important thing� There wasn�t one single touch up done to that picture� it�s as pure as gold�
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