2003-04-17 : 5:41 p.m.
Call me "Beauffer", runner #9477.
Listening to: The Crystal Method (Tweekend)
Two subtle and wonderful things happened today� 1) I have my passport in my hands. (Even if the pic is god awful.) 2) I�ve been designated runner #9477. Oh yeah� I�m suppose to be running a 5k in a week and a half� You see� when I get my tax return� I give a chunk of it away� no matter what. It�s normally not anything very grand, but it�s something. And every year it�s fairly random� Well this year� I gave 50 bucks to the Human Rights Watch� you know this? (I practice what I preach.) But like many other (different) causes, there�s a marathon involved to raise money. And in light of losing Danny to cancer� and Jen F.�s mom to cancer� I�ve always liked trying to do something to help research and the such along. But with all that�s going on� I�m as poor as ever. So you guessed it, In the peak of my shape, I could run a little under 3 miles in 30 minutes. My peak being of course, 9 months ago. Since then� I�ve felt drowned and consumed by my daily existence� that I�ve stopped doing Yoga. (My primary �work out�, although I must mention, I never did it to stay in shap. That was just the added benefit.) Anyhow, my company offered to fork up the money, if I do some running on their behalf� so there you have it� # 9477. I�m so winded, emotionally shot� and physically hammered� that I honest to god don�t think I know how I�ll make it. And certainly, when I raised my hand to do this, two months ago� I never imagined I would be adding a third cancer victim to run for� My grandfather. Honestly, with this, my Hot Henry� and all the other nonsense you can imagine� Like Danny A. being a bit taken aback about me and England, losing contact with Emilio, going the longest stretch without a break to go home, a job that is over working me� and taking advantage of me with lack of proper pay� I just wish everything would just hold on for a sec� so I can resolve things. But it�s not happening� Instead I feel overwhelmed and nothing seems to be okay� I can�t even get Hot Henry to just acknowledge me with a term of endearment not used and abused from another well written Oscar Wilde short story� (okay that was far fetched... I just mean something nothing used to refer to the masses.) And it's all stuff that I know� I could just normally shrug off and stop wasting my time with� if I didn�t feel all ready overwhelmed by so much. Such stupid stuff really� even if he referred to me as �Beauffer� for affection, and didn�t use it for anyone else� I�d probably drool over with joy� just cuz it�s him� and more importantly- just for me, y�know? Such simple stupid crap really. And it's even those stupid details, that are throwing me for a loop. And nothing more would be so sweet, than to have everyone and anyone who comes through my door from now on� to leave their f*cking baggage at the door. And then maybe the joy from the simplest of things� like my passport and my new purpose behind fulfilling #9477� wouldn�t be sucked out.
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