2003-03-30 : 1:40 p.m.
Little thank you's...
Anyhow, on a happier note...
I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Madame melomane. I've gotten quite a few emails, and a handful of notes and stuff... and they've all been wonderful... so thank you guys. Really. I hate to sound melodramatic, in my vents on my diary... but it helps. And the wonderful emails and such, are just icing on the cake, for a wounded and sore heart. SO thank you... And Ms. Daisy... your note was perfect and complete... and at the exact moment...I needed to read something like that. So an extra hug for you. And I'd like to thank the little Angel that could, for giving Mr. secondclass a chance to meet a dream... in person. Good things do and can happen. Out of any kind of heart ache.
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