2002-12-04 : 7:11 p.m.
I'm trapped and pissed
Listening to: Then Jerico (Big Area)
Today is a sad day for me on this wonderful world of diaryland... Because I will exert the horrible right of "censorship" on this diaryland... and leave this entry exclusive to my written journal... (I may type it out anyway... we'll see...) But I'd like to remember this moment... this catch-22 i have found myself bound to... against my own ideal... and wishful thinking (that I would never do such a thing...) Well for one... I have a crush that would be completely idiotic for me to disclose... Two, I am seriously annoyed with someone I have never even met before. (And it's probably more angst, that's developed with this issues over time with me... but nonetheless...) Three, because of (point one), a different altogether person would suffer some added grief... and frankly, as horrible as it is... I honest to God am tired of giving a shit about it... Four, my ego is too big to cope with one or three. Five, I'm furthermore even more torn about the previous because of a simple tag description I just read... from: mare-ingenii (BTW, thank you doll...) Six, which annoys me even further... because now I feel like a complete hypocrite for not being to address all of the previous... because I fucking care??? What kind of sense is that... Whatever... Instead I leave you today with a wonderful piece of prose written by: Saul Williams Q: are you going to follow A: my father's footsteps why return where i have already been?
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