2003-02-04 : 11:45 p.m.
"Vacation... how do you get away?"
Written: 2-4-03 11:35 p.m. Listening to: The Cure (Disintegration) I have this compelling notion to write about absolutely nothing. The feeling of nothing. The throws of nothing. The movement of nothing. The word of nothing. If there�s anything I want to feel and grasp... it�s nothing. To move freely... because I can. To love without the need for reassurance... because it serves me. To be complacent with what is and what can be... and not worry, of what cannot be. I want the silence of this nothing. And I want it, like sleep needs dreaming, like hunger needs food, like sore muscles need rest. The rest I long for... comes in nothing. And if I can achieve that... for even just a few fleeting moments... I will be well assured... that his coming to visit, will mean more than just nothing... in it�s own light.
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* - 2007-07-05 --------------------- - 2006-05-30 hello, goodbye - 2006-05-24 Pinky burglar - 2006-03-09 So let's go... - 2006-02-24