2002-10-10 : 4:55 p.m.
Needing to bust some balls....grrr...
Listening to: Stabbing Westward, Wither Blister Burn & Peel
Eeeehhh... In reviewing what I wrote yesterday... I see I have committed another annoying little brain fart... grrrr... Mr. J'... correction on the song, I meant to say track 2... "Shame"... I was listening to track three while I was writing so I think the whole thing just melded into one retarded thought... so yeah... punch some poop with "Shame" blastin'... now on to more important topics... say my annoying sexual tension!! uhhhgghhh... I swear I think I'm in heat or something... what the hell??? And it doesn't help of course that my roommate is doin' the deed... (badly, need I remind you), but nonetheless... seriously, my hormomes are on over drive... I haven't felt this ravenous about sex in quite some time... I would assume that at the time, it was due to my mind being quite busy with other things... but Christ... as tired as I was last night i couldn't fall asleep... and I don't think I have to go into details about the dreams I had... ggggrrrrrrrrrrrr... and normally if I do find myself in such a "horny" predicament... it wouldn't be such a problem... Nevertheless, here I am... new city... waaaayyyyy single... no prospects... no friends to call on! (he... he...) NADA!! And I've never played that "Me, Myself, and I" game... it depresses me... I don't find the idea of groaning and saying my own name at all appealing... if anything it depresses me... not that it's a bad thing- whatever works... just not in these panties... so I've always relied on what my best friend has dubbed "Alex's Repeats"... no not Fuck buddies persay... although I'm sure I'm going to get email's debating me on that one... but really... for me it's been a solid two (had a third, lost him to a sweet girl!)... who have been friends of mine for years now, and if all party's are single... why not? And funny enough, this isn't a way of life I chose really... it kind of just worked itself out that way... eehhh, and I'm a safe, good girl really... (now, now... be nice... and stop thinking that...) eeehhhhhh... as they say: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But my problem isn't that right now obviously... because the option isn't there anymore... for now... :) I may have to take a quick pee break from work, with my lovely cd-walkman... play "Shame" and kick down a few stall doors myself...
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