2005-03-31 : 2:04 p.m.
Sticker over my mouth reads: CHOICE.
I know I�m going to get grief for what I am about to write, but frankly I don�t care. BECAUSE it�s the truth.
I am glad to the n�th degree that Terri�s empty body is no longer here. If there was any suffering to be had, she is done, and gone to her rightful owner. Whatever God there may be. I feel very sorry for her Parents, who are going through something, I will hopefully and thankfully never have to go through. But I also feel sorry for Michael Schiavo. I have personally made it very, very, VERY clear to my husband, that I under NO CIRCUMSTANCES want to be trapped in my own body like that. I�m also in the whole process of creating a living will�. Something I have been wanting to do since I was 22. But never knew how� or rather never knew how easy it was. And like most, let the weeks slide into months, then years. And when you're as young as Terri was, 26, who honestly thinks they�re going to die then? I mean seriously� I also think I have made it clear with my parents. But here �s the kicker� if we were in the identical situation that the Schindlers were in� I think they may, just may have reacted the same. And that infuriates me� As much as I love them, I would implore my husband, hope and beg, from whatever beyond I might already be in� to fight. AND LIKE HELL. Because quality of life has to also be weighed. And I agree, that is a personal decision. And government� ahem� fucking congress and our inbred president SHOULD NOT BE INVOLVED. That is as personal of a decision, as just as whom and what to shove up your ass for enjoyment. (As per consenting adults. Of course.) When my friend Danny was dying, he wanted to die in peace, without tubes, at his home. He pleaded. And his mother would not let him go like that. Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was some warped kind of hope. I don�t know. I do know that the minute Danny became unconscious, he was taken in. She won. He died in a hospital. With tubes. Danny was 21 and had been sick for three years. And I don�t think the whole living will thing occurred to him, nor any one of us (his friends), whom were his age. It�s not like the boy had any real assets to bestow on anyone. Trying to beat Cancer was the only thing that consumed us all. Yet because of that, I realized what I had to do for myself. At 22. (That may have been the only positive thing to come out of his death for me.) Unfortunately, Terri had huge issues that lead to the ultimate demise of her health. (Bulimia.) And fortunately, as far as I�m concerned- not just Terri Schiavo, but her best friend� her BEST FRIEND� (read court records please) -Spoke to her regarding this. And not in all cases, but most, your peers know you better than your parents do. It�s great when kids have a �Best of friends� relationship with their parents. The kind of relationships where they can literally talk about anything. Sex, drugs, whom, what, when, how, if, and not to mention DEATH. And no one, except Terri knows how the dynamics laid out for her. But I would bet, that even her best friend- maybe not even her husband, knew her best. And she (the B.F.)has said in so many words and under oath� �take the tube out.� I�m not sure if Mr Schiavo went about this the best of ways. But I�m not in the thick of it to know. And if you�re reading this, you probably aren�t either. So just think about it� It is a hard lesson, that if ultimately it�s not on paper� it doesn�t count. SO write it, and write it fast and make a million of copies, for the husband, the wife, the parents, the dog, the neighbor, the best friend, and maybe even the homeless man on the street corner� cuz you just never know anymore. Someone might accuse someone of forgery and there the shit goes again� It could very well end up like trying to debate the authenticity of every word in the bible- impossible. Nevertheless, we don�t KNOW. And for that, we shouldn�t assume anything about anyone. Including Michael Schiavo and the friends that are on his side. The courts have repeatedly decided what they have, for a reason. So let�s just assume- if anything- there�s more to the story than we know. |
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