2005-04-09 : 11:03 a.m.
Ache: In and Out
Man I ache�
I went to a Less Than Jake show Wednesday� and I ache. IT�s funny to think I have been listening to them for over a decade now. And their current fan base is barely legal� I was the oldest ska nerd in the house. And my body is having a hard time handling the pits. Not to mention my patience runs thin with it as well. Somewhere along the line kids have been confusing Nazi/skin head moshing with EVERYTHING ELSE. You don�t kick, hit, deliberately beat, shove, push, in order to elevate you prepubescent, barely 5 foot ass- and has no self-freaken-esteem, in a ska pit. Not even in the circle pits. You can run, you can do the hop-skip-little jump thing� but hitting? Seriously? It makes me irate, I tell you. I remember one nice pit�back in the Lalapalooza days- many moons ago. Where I was just standing there with a friend of mine watching The Ramones, when all of a sudden I got clocked really hard, right at the center of my spine. The pain was so sharp, I felt like I was going to buckle at the knees. When I managed to turn around, I witnessed a girl running, randomly kicking and punching people in the most absent minded fashion. People were just staring at her, ducking (for those who managed to get out of her way), or getting socked (for those who didn�t). There was no dance, no rhythm, no concern, and it quickly ceased being a real �Pit�. I filled with so much rage, I walked right over to (and just behind) the girl, (as she happened to be facing in the other direction). And before I continue, let me say this- I don�t EVER or have since, hit anyone from behind. It�s not fair and completely unnecessary- if you ask me. But this girl had already crossed the line and I was at a point of no return. I clocked her in one solid swift punch, squarely on the head. (Which wasn�t hard since she was a good foot shorter than me.) The girl crumbled like a building of stacked playing cards. And all I remember is screaming, � What the FUCK is wrong with you? You like getting hit from behind you stupid bitch?� At which point, some dude I didn�t even know whisked me away and asked me if I �was okay?�. I remember feeling bewildered with such an idiotic question. Of course I was. But that was neither here nor there. She could have easily been 6 foot 2 and broken my back. I vaguely remember telling him what happened, and getting a response of �I know�. To this day, I don�t know if he pulled me away to diffuse the situation or because he thought I was going to kill her. Which I could have, but obviously wouldn�t. I had no intention to hit her more than once. Trust me. It was simply a gut reaction to put an end to the situation. (And give her a taste of her own medicine I suppose�) In any case, the moral of the story (I guess) is I�m getting to old for that kind of bull shit. And luckily nothing that extreme happened. (Although, there was this one short kid who started going at it, but was quickly subdued by the shove of a really big dude. Why is it always the short ones here? I'm not implying anything here, but seriously?) I love the Jake. And I'm going to keep going until my limbs literally give out on me. I just don't know what happened during the Y generation and whatever idiotic group that runs ramped now. Every generation unfolds due to a reaction to the previous generation. And the last "real" generation with a message (albeit, not the most prolific) was generation X. And what's Y all about? The Nintendo generation? Yeah... that's a 'real' impact. In any case, I'm rambling, and it breaks my heart to not be able to understand how a society (albeit always on the violent side) is now in absolute chaos. It's like violence has really infiltrated anything and everything. Little girls can't even play with their Barbies without having them bitch slap each other on occasion. It just wouldn't be natural anymore. Maybe there's been too much 'Republicanism's'(?). No, seriously. A little too much NRA perhaps? Maybe your super Walmart, that allows you to get your bundle of broccoli with an extra side of bullets, for that good ol' fashion "recreational" sport for desert, just doesn't work anymore? Possible. Or maybe just a little too much of Religion, spending time and time again judging, rather than forging all differences aside and helping your brothers and sisters? Hmmm... yeah. That may very well be it. Or maybe it's all of the above and then some. Yeah, I'll stick to that.
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