2005-04-19 : 7:55 p.m.
Warning... BRITISH immigrant potential squatter.
The immigration officer asked him a very simple question, �When�s your wife�s birthday?�
�Umm.. December 21st�� I must have looked at him with death rays that could tear him in half. His next response was, �Oh no�� Let�s just say if we had been on a Newlywed game show� we so would have lost. The officer then left for just a moment to make some copies. He came back to find the hubby hugging me, while I cried, saying �sorry�. When he asked me what was wrong, I blubbered �he forgot my birthday.� (Yes, I was as pathetic as it sounds. But I don�t think we could have looked more �marital� and �honest�.) Luckily he felt bad. �Really, really, really bad�, as he put it. And it�s �luckily�, because he agreed to a just punishment. A birthday present on the 20th of each month for the rest of the year. (I don�t think he�ll mess up on the date again.) And besides�the immigration officer did say he should �make up for it�. Damn, skimpy, straight. ******************** On another note� same subject. The hubby said the day before last, �they really aren�t nice to immigrants in this country, are they?� �Nope.� �But this country was FOUNDED by immigrants.� �Yup.� �But�but�.� In a disbelieving huff. �I know, I know� now you know what we go through. Everyone from poor Mexicans and on� and why they fight so hard.� Damn, skimpy, straight.
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