2005-04-26 : 10:25 a.m.
People really suck.
I came a cross a baby squirrel this morning. He seemed to just lay there, barely moving. I thought it was odd, so I walked up to him. Only to notice he was shaking from fear and using his front two paws to try and crawl away from me. I was shocked at what I saw. Whispering, "Oh my God..." under by breath. I saw blood coming from his nose, as he tried fruitlessly to crawl away. I also noticed his little paws had small bloodied pecks on them. "Why you fuckers..." I thought. I understood without hesitation why so many pigeons were hovering or waddling near by. They might as well have been vultures... and then the panic set in. I was on my way to work and had nothing except a dollar and an I-pod on me. I didn't know what to do. I don't know what to do. My cell phone was dead. (I had forgotten to charge it.) So I grabbed my blackberry and started with 411. (For all the bitching I did for having been assigned what I call a- work Lo'jack. I was thankful now.) 411 connected me to animal control... animal control connected me to animal and environmental protection... then they in turn sent me to something else (at this point, I don't remember)...to then be sent to 311... who then connected me back to animal control- who again reminded me that they only do dogs and cats... All this, while I had to make the decision to make a mental note of where the squirrel was, while I continued to make my way to work... No one would answer at the damn preservation society. I talked and talked... called and got transferred...over and over. AND NOT ONE PERSON COULD HELP ME. At some point I had made it on the train... and was stopped from being able to use my blackberry to make calls. (The train went under ground.) So I did the only other thing I could do at this point... Cry. And cry... and cry... To only get to work and cry some more. I got another number as soon as I arrived at work. The Squirrel Sanctuary in upstate New York. They had a call blocker for numbers identified as "business" or thus, unidentifiable. So I left my name... and nothing. So I left my name again... and nothing. So the system then repeated "leave your name after the tone and press pound"... It's been an hour. And as horrible as it may sound. I hope the little baby squirrel is dead. I hope it didn't live any longer than it had to with pain. I don't know what else to do... We'll move, push, kill, shoot, for anything pertaining to our needs, our wants. And all, with no second thought to anything else.
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