2003-01-20 : 1:06 a.m.
A bit catch-up... as it were...
I found these unposted (as per Diaryland) entries... while flipping though my journal.
And instead of writing more... they seemed to sum up what I �still� feel encapsulated by. Not to mention, they amuse me a bit as well- having read them once again... (Being that there short... I�ve just listed them back to back.) Written: 12-24-02 Time: one-ish? I�m sitting in the illustrious Detroit/ Michigan airport... (It really is.) It�s absolutely stunning... by far the �prettiest� airport I have ever seen. It�s like a mini-Disney in here. They have a little red electric train, that runs inside and over all the stores and shops. (And this is a big train...for people who have to travel longer distances through the airport. Not a novel idea... but the set up is great.) Cute... But like an idiot I just missed my connecting flight... duh! So here I sit waiting for the next flight... But yeah... I can�t get the dear ol� Hot Henry out of my mind at the particular moment. I mean at all... And it�s 100% unhealthy... and I don�t like it one bit. Even if any or some may be mutual ... We are a bit doomed here... And how on earth can you miss someone, you�ve never even seen before...??? This has the word �Therapy� written across it�s forehead. **************************************** Written: 12-29-03 At 6:38 p.m. Would you allow me to think? Of walking into your room- As I begin to envelop
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