2003-01-20 : 1:05 a.m.
One thing at a time...
Written: 1-19-02 At: 6 p.m.
Listening to: Moby (Play) I�m on the W... Going to Queens... I plan on passing by the little liquour shop, to buy a bottle of wine... To be drunk in twenty some odd days. I�m currently overcome with a bit of anger, sadness, weariness, cheerfulness, eagerness, excitment, anticipation, meloncholy, and even... a tinge of regret. But yes... after tonight. Thank you, for your words today Shawn. I appreciate the candor. I do. And even your heartfelt regret- I appreciate... with all sentiment. I really do. And you telling me... about how and what you learned from me ... Makes any sadness, I may have endured- worth while. Because it�s more than what I would or could of asked for... But it�s all reached a point where, we just have to lie in the beds we have made... And I have no way of molding fear back into hope... and less... passion... than you can. And so, at this particular point- we will just have to be. Until the heart can... If it should... Unravel on it�s own.
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