2003-01-18 : 9:54 p.m.
miss you... kiss you... love cats...
Written: 3:03 a.m.
It�s late... very late... and I�m as sleepy as can be... But this I had to share with you... Just a thought... A still moment... That reflects more than the small and ovbious externals, to the eye... **************************************** I�ve been on the phone with Shari... for quite some time... And we talked about everything under the sun... but it was a tid bit.... an ounce in all her stories combined... of Eric... an old friend... turned a new love for her... that had me buzzing, the way hot Henry has had me. She described a moment at work... Whereby she tells me... Eric (whom also works at the same establishment) began showing up to work an entire hour and a half early... every day... (as per the time Shari has to come in)... And on this particular morning, She found herself busy answering phones... and questions of those about... when she looks over... and sees Eric, simply sitting and coloring... She took a moment to just watch him... He was completely engrossed in his meger task... as he patiently waited for the next minute moment of attention from her... He sat there... with his tongue just barely sticking out to the side... in a kind of- still biting motion- as it were... as he fell into full focus... Of just coloring. And she says, �And I just looked at him... and looked at him... and all I could think was... �wow, I am so lucky... I am so lucky to have a man like him in my life�...� �As he sat and colored?� I asked. �Yeah... as a matter of fact... As he sat there and colored a cat... a cat.� I laughed. �A cat... wow.� �I know.� **************************************** And that is when the wonders of all that can be, become crystal clear. And kindered folk like you and I... can conquer the world.
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