2002-11-21 : 6:42 p.m.
the Lee's
Yes, I was a bit angry� hurt� emotional� on the last one� I know� but it�s a bit touchy for me� it�s always been� even before some of the things I�ve seen and gone through�
Maybe I was just born with a heavy heart. Is that possible? Well, something else occurred that evening� after the train� on the walk home� but I didn�t want to include it on the same page� because well� It was quite the unexpected jolt of happiness you see� a jolt� because I was in the midst of walking home in tears� I wrote the following� again, in my written journal� when I got home� ************************** Date: 11-20-02 9:30 p.m. So there I am� crying and blubbering like an idiot� reliving a disgustingly haunting memory� after the next� But I�m not angry� They have help make me who I am� and I wouldn�t change any of it� But I�m about� oh- say� I don�t know� half way through my walk home� And so I�m crying� and crying� cold� annoyed�.pissed� Troding along� past person after person� that just stares at me, with a look of: �What on earth is wrong?� I try not to stare back� I just know I look bleak as hell� So I hustle� and crank up the music on my walkman� a bit further� I�m listening to: Third Eye Blind (Blue), which wouldn�t be my usual appropriate selection� to coincide with the specific mood I�m in�under this specific situation� engulfed by added memories� Truth be told�. I would be plugging in The Crow sdtrk� and specifically to track 13� Time baby III� It would take pages for me to explain and go into descriptive details�concerning the personification that song takes�with regards to all this� And to top it off� it�s just a breath taking song� So off I am� listening to what I have� my other option actually is a burned copy of Subcircus (Carousel)� but again, it�s not the appropriate selection� and I�ve already associated a bit of Mr. devallyk to the music� happy thoughts nonetheless.. which I didn�t want to tamper with� with all that was running through my mind� So yes� again� I�m flubbering along, still� and I�m half-way through my walk� When� this white van parked to my left caught my abrupt attention� and to a mind-numbing stop� I shit you not� I have now decided to call it� THE LEE MOBILE� This old� ford white-box of a van� was the Bruce & Brandon Lee mobile� from head to toe� I stood there awestruck� All the windows� with the exception of the driver�s view of course� had full black and white pic�s of one or the other� covering each window� from the inside- out� And stickers� christ! Galore!!! Taking the van completely over� I was a bit impressed� As I�ve mentioned in my bio: I admire passionate folk� of all varieties� And this was a passionate folk� I immediately looked around� to see if maybe I was outside� some sort of martial arts school of sorts� and I could see nothing of the sorts� This was sooooo random� for the moment that is� I just stood there for a bit� and out my mouth comes: ��Oooohhh� Fletcher�� And I just died laughing� The tears were entirely gone� and my mind was flooded with the funniest and delightful of thoughts� I giggled the rest of the way home� It�s true what they say� �the memories that bind, do tie us together.�
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