2002-11-22 : 5:48 p.m.
Listening to: Nine Inch Nails (Downward Spiral)
��Nothing can stop me now, cuz I don�t care anymore/ yeah� that wonderful night on the �W� train� that is what would have suited the mood perfectly� although� I find Mr. Trent tends to instigate me into a bit more of a violent nature� so for the sake of that stupid �lady in red�� I suppose it all worked out just as well� On a brighter note� YESTERDAY!!!! From beginning to end� yesterday!!! Was just wonderful really� It was serendipitous� in all it�s wonder� This may turn out to be a fairly boring entry� but alas� I really want to remember yesterday� It all started at work� with an email from Mr. devallyk� that well� just had me grinning from ear to ear� and I�ll leave that one at that� Then� work, yes� Brigid made me so proud: She comes back in, from one of her smoke breaks� ��sad� sad� That man� it�s so sad�� She looks at me� when she sits down at her desk� �Do you think I should buy him some dinner?� I�m thinking� Yes, I know whom she�s talking about� There�s a homeless man� who hangs out outside of the firms building during certain hours� I know him, because when I see him� I�ll buy him a few hot dogs from the local stand� so yeah I know him� He�s very quite, soft-spoken� and NEVER, NEVER begs� Instead he waits around during certain peek hours� when the lawyers are out eating their lunches or dinners� and he fishes their left-overs from the trash� I�ve watched him quite a bit� and he�s smart too� (I mean, these lawyers don�t exactly eat cheap meals�) and he waits till they�re completely gone to fish their food out� It�s like he tries to be courteous about it� Again, the man doesn�t beg� �So?� Brigid asks. �Brigid� you should do it because you want to� not because someone else tells you �you should��� She understood� �Yes� I�m gonna buy him a real dinner� yes� can you cover for me�?� �But of course� off you go little soldier!�� She then comes back with this box full of stuff and hands it to me� �I can�t do it�� She�s a bit shaken� �No worries� on my way out� I will�� Yup� it was great� the man probably had the best meal that night� hell� it really was an impressive meal Brigid had put together� So yeah� then my walk home� Same as yesterday�(minus the hate and angst�) So yeah� I get to this all too familiar spot see� and hmmm� what is this I see? A white Van� But a companion? Eh? You see� it was parked in the same spot� across the same place� everything� Except it�s a Chevy as opposed to a Ford� and minus all the stickers and Brandon Lee� See, this apparently was strictly a �Bruce lee� mobile� the windows were covered just the same� with Black and white pictures (again, just the same)� At this point I�m thinking� this has got to be some kind of fluke! So again, I turn around to really, really inspect the small �stores� it�s parked outside of� and what do I see? No� not a martial arts shop or studio� nothing of the sorts� instead I noticed something I hadn�t noticed yesterday� In between stores� this make-shift church� and the glowing yellow and white sign over head (which can easily be mistaken for another �store sign�) read something to the effect of: �(such and such religious info) The Christian Church (such and such religious info)� And the rest of it is a bit of an inside joke my dear diary� so the only thing I can tell you is what came out of my mouth next� �Serendipity� Which is: �the faculty of making �fortunate� discoveries by accident.� Hmm� yes� So off I went� with a bit of a chuckle under my breath� I then ran into my roommate on the walk home� she grabbed me and asked me to come with her to score some wine for a congratulatory drink with her sister� at our place� (she got into grad school�) So of course� I went� And I casually introduced them both to the Andes Mountain� vineyards� Mmmmm� yummm� Viva Chile! Well� to make a long story short� we ordered some mexican (from what is my officially favourite Mexican place in Astoria!) It was great� the giggles� the wine� the mexican� I haven�t done any of that in quite a while really� This was in fact: Me in my element� along with good company� After the food and the wine� the lady�s asked me to come along with them to their Grandparents for Thanksgiving� Mind you� this isn�t really a very important holiday for me� as it is for most Americans� Because, as I am sure I�ve stated before� I wasn�t raised in a very a typical �American� family or neighborhood�. If anything, Thanksgiving is just another excuse to party and take the day off from life� But they had the most worried look on their faces when they invited me� which read like: Oh God! Don�t say no! You might be alone! And add to that� well� they�re a bit atypical, as per an �American�- suburbish family� so the whole thanksgiving thing� means a whole lot to them� So needless to say� I was very humbled by the invite� and said yes� Then the night get�s topped off with me finally talking to Mr. mustangusmc� what a doll ladies!!! What a doll!!! We chit-chatted for quite a bit� I think I may very well� email Lara (his wife) at some point to say hello� They say the people you hold around you� are an extension of your personality� Which I find to be true, over and over� So I�m sure she must be equally quite a dream� And then� (yes more!!!) I talked to Shari� and rounded out the whole day� telling her about everything that had happened� �� so can you believe it? How serendipity� all of it! A �Christian Church�?! Ha!!!!� �hey man I believe it�� she answered� �I really do believe in that kind of thing�� �Oh Shari!!� But yes� how serendipity� all of it� (Aside: See J�� you can write about pretty cool things too�)
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