2002-11-26 : 10:30 a.m.
Ouch... my poor, poor mouth
Listening to : Three Doors Down (the better life)
Oh goodbye... peppered foods... Selavi... hot coffee... Chao!... fancy puckered kisses... Toodles... my dear cigarettes... Oh the anguish of it all!!! Today I go into my first bit of rounds to perfect the good ol' smile!!! And today is equivalent to one huge OUCH!!!!! You can break my arm... bust my jaw... stab me with abnormally sized needles... thieve my blood!!! But please... oh god please... don't scrape or drill inside my mouth!!! Uhhhh... I can't stand it! And that little saliva sucker... that really doesn't do much except test my gag reflexes!!! Oh Yucky-yuck... I talked to Danny (A.) last night... and the night before last for that matter... I know I haven't really gotten into the stories of Mister Danny A. But in due time... he is a dear little love... and my dear little love... thinks I'm nuts for "messing" with my mouth in such a manner... "...but Alex... your teeth are fine... I've always like them..." "I should hope so... you've fraternized with the enemy for a bit over the years..." He chuckled quite a bit with this... as he should... I miss him quite a bit... I haven't seen him in months... we've both been up other people's asses- as it were... And well, he mentioned that he really wanted to see me... in that all too familiar wimpy... 'I miss you' tone... which is VERY, VERY... dangerous... See he and I, don't make for very good platonic friends when we're not already busy elsewhere... and we've developed this horrible habit, of running to each other for a bit of comfort as it were... and NO!!! It doesn't always lean on the dirty end of the scale... although, we can't deny it entirely either... So anyway... yes... I'm worried... because going on too long without seeing each other, may not have been to our benefit... and well... I miss Shawn terribly still... The consequences that I had mentioned last? Yeah... they're hitting me alright... Especially when I go over to read his latest entry and find that he's still obsessing over his ex-girlfriend... Jesus! For crying out loud! (Pun not really intended there.) So yeah... meeting with Danny at the moment... could prove to be disaterous to our to uhhh... keep good ol' bad habits from resurfacing... And I can't emphasize enough that Danny is not some random... fuck fest--- for a friend... for lack of a better way to put it... He's the first boy i ever loved to absolute death!... and still do really... I don't kid myself on the subject... And I know he would give a limb for me... which is why I don't know if I'm ready to sit and just talk to him... see, he doesn't really know a lick about Shawn... I mean I mentioned him a bit... just a bit the night before last... kind of chucked it off to a little rough patch, a "no biggie"... then changed the subject... But that boy knows me like nothing else... and I can't lie... (I don't atest to anyway... I avoid that)... and never, under any circumstance to him... He is and forever will be, a kind of a boy wonder to me... and I know him... he would flip and be really dissapointed in me... and frankly... I don't have the energy at the moment... I'm still feel to emotionally unstable in realtion to the whole Shawn situation... and I can't say I plan with any certainty to rid Shawn in my life altogether... and Danny... well... he's like my brother, (by that I mean... the length of time- 'till death... not the incest you perv!!!)... here, to stay forever... And if they should meet... Oh god... I'm not worried about Shawn at all... It's Danny who's very chivalrous... and a bit over protective...so he wouldn't "hesitate" to prove his point in some way or another... however annoyingly so... But enough of that... I'm not even sure why I'm rambling about this... I guess it's just one of those things lingering about... And besides I have to start getting serious about another wordly event, you know... I'm going to start my boxing training... I've apparently been enlisted to fight a few heffers out there for the coveted grand devallyk prize... ahhh yes... jab... jab... skip... hop... left hook... jab... jab... right hook...block... jab... jab...
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