2002-11-26 : 6:52 p.m.
the abandoned six pack
Listening to: Nothing really... I'm at work showing Brigid all my nastiness in my mouth...
But I'm sad kids... oh soooooo sad... I have six... count them six cigarette's... (or as Brigid helped to clarify for me just now... six fagots...) Yes, we all just busted a ball laughing with that one... Really kids... no disrespect... it's the drugs I tell you... everything is fucking hilarious at the moment... which sucks kinda... b/c it hurts like hell to laugh... so yeah... six cig's and no smokin' them... so I'm going to go home and hand them to my trusty roomie Adrienne... with a note attached... Dear Adrienne... Our mother has left us... she could no longer take care of us, after her crippling operation... and we our homeless. Please do not turn us away because we suck like air... God made us this way... and all we want, is to be loved like all the others... And Ms. Addrienne... we ask that you please take care of Hornster-Paul first... as he hasn't seen the lovin' lips of any lady for some time... and could really use the puff and blow... Sincerely, |
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