2002-12-27 : 6:59 p.m.
Would you wait for me?
Listening to: the verve pipe (underneath)
When I spoke to Danny A., a few days ago- he said� those that come from the outside in� to become New Yorkers� come with every intention known to the imagination. With the exception of one thing: To find your better half. �We didn�t come for this Alex� which is why it�s so hard to find anyone, for anything here�� for us. How true� not that we�re the most attractive folk�(far from it)� we�ve just never had trouble in Miami finding the �next� one� It was more like having to sift through one relentless pass after another� to find the �one� who might make it to a second shift� It�s those that aren�t, that flee� And New York� is chronically made up of all those that flee� In search "of"� Which admittedly, makes it the most eclectic, artistic, creative, cultural� and lonely� masterpiece� And yet� Danny and I� cannot settle� We can�t be comfortable� and the search to �figure it out� seems rather never ending� Yet� I will venture and speak for the both of us� As proud as we are to stand as we do� we would gladly do it with the added warmth of someone�s skin� on any given morning� Yet� we are trapped by our own successful self-entrapment� We will never ask anyone to give it all up or compromise themselves, to follow us on our fruitless search of self-comfort� That is as restless� as our need to feel� "I want all of you I keep calling you Will you wait for me?
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